Contact details
Simmelink Advocaten B.V.
Raadhuisstraat 11
3603 AV Maarssen, The Netherlands
Monday through Friday
9 am – 5 pm
How can we assist you?
Within 1 business day, you will receive a response from us, and your initial consultation is always free of obligation.
Would you like to speak directly with one of our experts?
Then call +31(0)30 – 3078732 (9am – 5pm, Mon – Fri)
Simmelink Advocaten is centrally located in the heart of the village, on Raadhuisstraat in Maarssen. We are easily accessible for clients from the region. In addition, we offer the option of professional video consultations, allowing you to choose for a remote meeting if preferred.
Company details
CoC: 88441245
IBAN: NL63 RABO 0378 0634 05
VAT: NL864627221B01